


Friday and Saturday



 This is a live music venue where the singing servers perform in rotation during the endurance of your meal. Constant LIVE performances by our singing servers may limit the ability to hold normal conversation.We do hope you enjoy your time here and Thank You for letting us sing for your supper!!

Reservations Policy

We are getting lots of calls about reservations. We do not take them, it's first come; first serve. We move really fast and we ask for your entire party be present to seat you. We understand how Branson traffic can take some time to get around, and we have great shopping next door while you wait for your group to arrive. We want you to enjoy your experience without being rushed. We thank you for business and continued support. 

Home of the Original Singing Servers

This 1950s themed diner is home to talented, professional singers, songwriters and musicians. Many have been or are currently in some of Branson’s most popular productions. These are professional, award winning entertainers. 

We are also know  for our large delicious deserts and our classic Burgers. So come on in and enjoy the experience.

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