


Friday and Saturday



 This is a live music venue where the singing servers perform in rotation during the endurance of your meal. Constant LIVE performances by our singing servers may limit the ability to hold normal conversation.We do hope you enjoy your time here and Thank You for letting us sing for your supper!!


Our Story...

​We are celebrating 27 years now, our talented servers (and sometimes cooks and bus staff) have been singing your favorite songs while serving our great food.

This 1950s themed diner is home to talented, professional singers, songwriters and musicians. Many have been or are currently in some of Branson’s most popular productions. These are professional, award winning entertainers, including one who climbed high on American Idol!

So enjoy the great food and listen to your favorite songs performed and up close... a truly unique experience you will want to share with your friends and repeat time and time again, Mel’s Hard Luck Diner, where “we sing for your supper!” Be sure to take a look around the diner and see the memorabilia and
hard luck stories.

Where We sing for your Supper.